Reports Overview

Chorum provides an array of reports to assist with your hotel's day-to-day finances, operations, and overall performance. While some reports may be accessible from other modules and forms, they are all accessible from the Reports module.


In Chorum, each report is grouped beneath one of the following categories, presented in the order they appear in Chorum:

Report Group


Reservation Reports

Reports related to guests, guest bookings, and guest activity.

Housekeeping Reports

Reports related to room assignments, maintenance and out-of-order requests, and housekeeper activity.

Cashier Reports

Reports related to shift activity.

Night Audit Reports

Reports related to daily finances and business-date specific reports.

Saved Reports

This menu is used to gather any personalized reports you have saved preferences for.

Statistics Reports

Many of your hotel's KPIsClosed Key Performance Indicator: Any statistic or formula used to help calculate and indicate a hotel's performance and progress. are detailed in these reports, among other reports that track your hotel's performance over a set period of time.

City Ledger/House Account

Reports related to city ledger customers and non-folio revenue.


Reports related to groups, group bookings, and group activity.

Print Options

Any reports with personalization options (folio receipts, confirmation letters, etc) can be modified here.


All reports in Chorum feature one or more filter options at the top of the report, such as a date, date range, specific codes, and more dependent on the report. Be sure to set these report filters however you need before using the Run Report button to generate it.

The report will typically take a few moments to generate, during which it displays a loading icon. Be aware reports that gather large volumes of data (such as the Department Audit report) may take several seconds to generate for larger, busier properties.

Once the report has generated, the report's action ribbon becomes useable.




Use the left- and right-arrows to navigate to each page of the report (if more than one). The arrow with a line next to it shortcuts you to the first or last page of the report, respectively.

Export Format

This drop-down menu provides a list of available file formats for exporting the file. Choose the desired option then click Export to the right of the drop-down menu. Chorum will now display a prompt asking where you wish to save the report.


These two green spinning arrows re-generate the report without needing to reset your filters. This is useful if a relevant item is changed in Chorum after you have generated the report but before you have printed it, allowing you to generate a new copy of the report with the added information included without needing to change anything else.


This small picture of a printer is used to print physical copies of the displayed report via a local or network printer. The button is located between the Refresh button and the To field


This empty white box can be used to enter email addresses you would like to send a copy of the report to. Multiple email addresses should be separated by a semi-colon (;). Once all desired email addresses have been added, click the small icon to the right of the To field that looks like two pages overlapping one another, just before the Switch to Page View button.

If an Export Format hasn't been set, the designated recipients will receive the file in PDF format. Otherwise, the report will be attached using the set export format.

Switch to Page View

Hides the report filters and action ribbon, allowing you to view the report as it would appear when printed.